Results for 'Stefania De Vido'

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  1.  24
    A Quest for an Eco-centric Approach to International Law: the COVID-19 Pandemic as Game Changer.Sara De Vido - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (2):105-117.
    This Reflection starts from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as unprecedented occasio to reflect on the approach to international law, which—it is contended—is anthropocentric, and its inadequacy to respond to current challenges. In the first part, the Reflection argues that there is, more than ever, an undeferrable need for a change of approach to international law toward ecocentrism, which puts the environment at the center and conceives the environment as us, including humans, non-human beings, and natural objects. To encourage the incorporation (...)
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    The Privatisation of Climate Change Litigation: Current Developments in Conflict of Laws.Sara De Vido - 2024 - Jus Cogens 6 (1):65-88.
    The purpose of this contribution is to analyse climate change litigation in an innovative way, considering it as an example of “privatisation” of international law, and unravelling the “ecological” side of conflict-of-laws climate change litigation. The paper will first explain the concept of privatisation of law as applied to international law and what it means in the context of climate change litigation, before moving to a landmark case, whose appeal is still pending in front of a domestic court in Europe: (...)
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    Morpheme-based reading aloud: Evidence from dyslexic and skilled Italian readers.Cristina Burani, Stefania Marcolini, Maria De Luca & Pierluigi Zoccolotti - 2008 - Cognition 108 (1):243-262.
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    What differentiates episodic future thinking from complex scene imagery?Stefania de Vito, Nadia Gamboz & Maria A. Brandimonte - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):813-823.
    We investigated the contributions of familiarity of setting, self-relevance and self-projection in time to episodic future thinking. The role of familiarity of setting was assessed, in Experiment 1, by comparing episodic future thoughts to autobiographical future events supposed to occur in unfamiliar settings. The role of self-relevance was assessed, in Experiment 2, by comparing episodic future thoughts to future events involving familiar others. The role of self-projection in time was assessed, in both Experiments, by comparing episodic future thoughts to autobiographical (...)
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    Digital Well-Being as a New Kind of Adaptation to the New Millennium Needs: A State-of-the-Art Analysis.Alessandro De Santis & Stefania Fantinelli - 2023 - Elementa 3 (1-2):135-151.
    Since technology has been entering into human beings’ everyday life, individuals established a deep relationship with digital technology, thus an embodied link between people and digital instruments has been born. This is particularly evidenced by recent literature about screen time (duration of time spent by the individual in using electronic/digital media like television, smartphone, tablet or computer), it significantly influences different human beings’ dimensions: physical, psychological and neurological functions. Impact of digital technology on human beings can be considered as a (...)
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    Notification of Unexpected, Violent and Traumatic Death: A Systematic Review.Diego De Leo, Josephine Zammarrelli, Andrea Viecelli Giannotti, Stefania Donna, Simone Bertini, Anna Santini & Cristina Anile - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:542332.
    Background: The way the death of a dear person is communicated can have a profound impact on the entire bereavement process. The words and expressions that are used to give the tragic news, the characteristics of who communicates it, the physical setting in which the notification is given, the means used (e.g., in person, via phone call, etc.) are just some of the factors that can influence the way survivors face one of the most difficult moments in their lives. Aim: (...)
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    Storiografia filosofica e storiografia religiosa: due punti di vista a confronto: scritti in onore di Luciano Malusa.Paolo De Lucia, Simona Langella, Mario Longo, Ferdinando L. Marcolungo, Letterio Mauro, Stefania Zanardi & Luciano Malusa (eds.) - 2020 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Going after the bigger picture: Using high-capacity models to understand mind and brain.Hans Op de Beeck & Stefania Bracci - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e404.
    Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide a unique opportunity to move towards a generic modelling framework in psychology. The high representational capacity of these models combined with the possibility for further extensions has already allowed us to investigate the forest, namely the complex landscape of representations and processes that underlie human cognition, without forgetting about the trees, which include individual psychological phenomena.
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    Book Reviews : The Experience of Writing and the Writing of Experience: Piera Carroli Esperienza e narrazione nella scrittura di Alba de Céspedes Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1993, 194 pp. [REVIEW]Stefania De Biase - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (2):286-288.
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    Regards sur le cosmopolitisme européen: frontières et identités.Muriel Rouyer, Catherine de Wrangel, Emmanuelle Bousquet & Stefania Cubeddu (eds.) - 2011 - Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    Que peut-on attendre d'un « citoyen du monde » dans l'espace européen à venir? Que représente le cosmopolitisme en Europe? Voici quelques-unes des questions posées par cet ouvrage qui présente les réflexions de chercheurs européens et non européens sur le cosmopolitisme. Les regards des spécialistes sur la question sont variés et la réalité est analysée à partir de différentes disciplines. Ainsi, science politique, histoire, droit, langues, littérature et civilisation se conjuguent pour présenter une vision toujours évolutive, parfois idéale, du cosmopolitisme. (...)
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    Galen's de Constitutione Artis Medicae in the Renaissance.Stefania Fortuna - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (01):302-.
    During the sixteenth century Galen's De constitutione artis medicae enjoyed a great success: in about fifty years it received four different Latin translations and three commentaries. Certainly this is also true of other medical classical texts, but such success is surprising for a treatise which did not have a wide circulation either in the Middle Ages or in the seventeenth century and later. In fact it is preserved in its entirety in only one Greek manuscript and in a Latin translation (...)
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    Quality control in maintenance and management process of school building in the Province of Salerno.Maria Rita Pinto & Stefania De Medici - 2013 - Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 6.
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  13. Enrico de Negri.Stefania Pietroforte - 1988 - Filosofia Oggi 11 (3):475-490.
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    Les temps futurs de l’éducation.Stefania Gandolfi - 2023 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 3:49-60.
    Cet article se focalise sur un aspect précis du concept de temps dans l’éducation, sur les priorités que les temps futurs de l’éducation doivent choisir comme les directions les plus pertinentes pour nos sociétés. Les temps structurent et accompagnent la vie de chacun, marquent le passage entre les générations et deviennent un indicateur du développement des sociétés. Le rôle de la réflexion sur l’éducation est de s’atteler aux problématiques qui se dessinent à chaque période, et lui sont liées en termes (...)
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    The Influence of Physical Education on Self-Efficacy in Overweight Schoolgirls: A 12-Week Training Program.Francesca Latino, Stefania Cataldi, Valerio Bonavolontà, Roberto Carvutto, Michele De Candia & Francesco Fischetti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the impact of a 12-week physical education program on the self-efficacy of overweight schoolgirls. We randomly assigned 60 overweight schoolgirls to either an experimental moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise group or a control group that received non-specific regular PE lessons with activities chosen by the curricular teacher mainly focused on team games and sports skills that aimed to achieve general psycho-physical wellness. To assess the starting level of students and significant (...)
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    Der junge Leibniz und Gott. Der Beweis der Existenz Gottes in der Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria.Stefania Centrone - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (2):146-162.
    The present paper analyses the proof of the existence of God given by Leibniz in his early work, the Dissertatio de arte combinatoria of 1666. Leibniz delivers a proof by an (infinite) distinction of cases that has not always been recognized by his translators and critics.
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    Der Reziprozitätskanon in den Beyträgen und in der Wissenschaftslehre.Stefania Centrone - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (3):310-330.
    Two centuries ago Bernard Bolzano published his Contributions to a more well-founded presentation of mathematics which Goethe praised as “an opusculum of very high value”. Bolzano still seems to accept the traditional principle that that intension and extension of a concept stand in an inverse relation . In particular he claims that the concept of a genus proximum is always a component of the concept of the species which are subordinated to it. However, this does not harmonize with his simultaneous (...)
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  18. Aspekte des Psychologismus-Streits: Husserl und Frege über Anzahlen und logische Gesetze.Stefania Centrone - 2013 - In Versuche über Husserl. Hamburg: Meiner Felix. pp. 65-96.
  19. Country Reports.Ma'N. H. Zawati, Don Chalmers, Sueli G. Dallari, Marina de Neiva Borba, Miriam Pinkesz, Yann Joly, Haidan Chen, Mette Hartlev, Liis Leitsalu, Sirpa Soini, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Nils Hoppe, Tina Garani-Papadatos, Panagiotis Vidalis, Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Gil Siegal, Stefania Negri, Ryoko Hatanaka, Maysa Al-Hussaini, Amal Al-Tabba', Lourdes Motta-Murgía, Laura Estela Torres Moran, Aart Hendriks, Obiajulu Nnamuchi, Rosario Isasi, Dorota Krekora-Zajac, Eman Sadoun, Calvin Ho, Pamela Andanda, Won Bok Lee, Pilar Nicolás, Titti Mattsson, Vladislava Talanova, Alexandre Dosch, Dominique Sprumont, Chien-Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, Jane Kaye, Andelka Phillips, Heather Gowans, Nisha Shah & James W. Hazel - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):582-704.
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  20. Bonum/malum de logica e de physica nell'Epistolario di Agostino d'Ippona.Stefania Miscioscia - 2011 - Ciudad de Dios 224 (2):341-371.
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    Transnationale Philosophie. Hannah Arendt und die Zirkulation des Politischen.Stefania Maffeis - 2018 - Frankfurt: Campus.
    Hannah Arendt und ihre Schriften werden seit jeher als unkonventionell wahrgenommen, als disziplinär schwer einzuordnen. Sie haben breite Anerkennung in vielen verschiedenen Ländern erlangt und scheinen sämtliche fach- wie kulturspezifischen Grenzen zu überschreiten. Diese Studie reflektiert die materiellen Bedingungen jener Wahrnehmungen, ihre performativen Funktionen sowie ihre historischen Transformationen, die sie zwischen Deutschland und den USA von den 1940er-Jahren bis heute durchlaufen haben. Im Zentrum der Rekonstruktion stehen Arendts Begriff des Politischen und damit korrelierend sie selbst als öffentliche Figur. Beide Ideen (...)
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  22. L'interpellatio tra ars oratoria e ars guberni del governatore e vescovo Ambrodio de Milano.Stefania Miscioscia - 2013 - Ciudad de Dios 226 (3):549-575.
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    Franco Lelli y la rebelión bubi de 1998: historia y testimonio en OKIRI.Stefanía Licata - 2016 - Endoxa 37:463.
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    Selinous (C.) Antonetti, (S.) De Vido (edd.) Temi Selinuntini. Pp. 308, ills, pls. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2009. Paper, €35. ISBN: 978-884672179-2. [REVIEW]Franco De Angelis - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):584-586.
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  25.  24
    Husserls Zeichentheorie. Bemerkungen zur Ersten Logischen Untersuchung.Stefania Centrone - 2015 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 97 (1):66-96.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 1 Seiten: 66-96.
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    Enrico De Negri hegelista non hegeliano.Stefania Pietroforte - 1986 - Roma: Arsenale.
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    Versuche über Husserl.Stefania Centrone (ed.) - 2013 - Hamburg: Meiner Felix.
    Der Band versammelt neue Beiträge namhafter Husserl-Forscher und eröffnet analytische und phänomenologische Interpretationsperspektiven auf Husserls Werk. Zugleich versuchen die Autoren, die Diskussionsgrundlagen zwischen Husserl und einigen seiner wichtigsten und einflußreichsten Gesprächspartner wiederherzustellen: Bernard Bolzano, Franz Brentano, Gottlob Frege, Martin Heidegger und Ludwig Wittgenstein. Mit Beiträgen von: Christian Beyer, Stefania Centrone, Dagfinn Føllesdal, George Heffernan, Wolfgang Künne, Eduard Marbach und Markus Stepanians.
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  28. " Música"... per oltre-passare. Agostino, Mozart, Heidegger.Stefania Miscioscia - 2013 - Ciudad de Dios 226 (2):363-377.
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    Bolzano und Leibniz über Klarheit und Deutlichkeit.Stefania Centrone - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (3):256-289.
    At a time when they had largely fallen into disrepute Bolzano reactivated the distinctions between ‚clear‘ and ‚obscure‘, ‚distinct‘ and ‚confused‘ ideas. In the central sections of this paper I offer a critical reconstruction of the explanations of these pairs of opposita which are to be found in vol. III of Bolzano's monumental Wissenschaftslehre . I then provide a detailed account of its Leibnizian counterparts that were well-known to the ‚Bohemian Leibniz‘, and finally I evaluate Bolzano's criticism thereof.
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    „Der Körper denkt immer“. Gewohnheit und Habitus in Hegel und Bourdieu.Stefania Achella - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):441-448.
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    Socialismul si camuflarea de gen/ Socialism and gender camouflage.Stefania Mihalache - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):117-131.
    Eroticism seems to be the essence of individuation and the freedom that brings Otherness into being. For this reason eroticism had to be disguised and softened by a mechanism of control within the society of any monolithic communist power. There- fore, one of the images that were altered was that of the woman. This was done under the pretext of a project of emancipation, initiated by the Communist party, which made claims in women’s name but utilized women’s organizations for socialist-communist (...)
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    Die Subjektivität und das Unbewusste.Stefania Achella - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):243-248.
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    Consequentia Mirabilis, Antiskeptizismus und Antinomien Über Bolzanos Beweis, daß es wenigstens eine Wahrheit an sich, daß es der Wahrheiten mehre, ja unendlich viele gebe.Stefania Centrone - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 66 (4):539-565.
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    Peri tou (mē) ontos. Melissus and Gorgias at the ontological crossroad.Stefania Giombini & Massimo Pulpito - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
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    Begründungen bei Bolzano und beim frühen Husserl.Stefania Centrone - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 65 (1):5-27.
    Two hundred years ago Bernard Bolzano published a booklet on the philosophy of mathematics that is the first major step forward in this area since Pascal’s De l’esprit géométrique. Following Aristotelian lines Bolzano distinguishes in his opusculum two kinds of proofs, those that simply show that something is the case, and those that explain why something is the case. In his Wissenschaftslehre this contrast reappears as that between derivability and consecutivity . Husserl takes up some of Bolzano’s key concepts in (...)
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  36.  45
    Les collocations comme indice pour distinguer les genres textuels.Stefania Spina & Elena Tanganelli - 2012 - Corpus 11.
    Cette étude se propose de vérifier l’efficacité des collocations en tant qu’indice pour distinguer les genres textuels. De plus, elle a le double objectif d’aborder l’exploration de la variabilité de l’italien en utilisant des méthodologies computationnelles, et de vérifier l’efficacité d’une nouvelle mesure d’association dans l’étude des collocations.Quatre typologies de collocations ont été analysées (verbe-nom, nom-adjectif, nom-nom et nom-préposition-nom) dans six genres textuels différents, dont trois sont écrits (textes littéraires, textes académiques et compositions scolaires) et trois sont oraux (conversations, discours (...)
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  37.  14
    Zu Jaspers’ Verständnis der Welt in der „Allgemeinen Psychopathologie“.Stefania Achella - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 12:369-380.
    Im vierten Kapitel des ersten Teils der Allgemeinen Psychopathologie stellt Jaspers seine Analyse der sinnhaften objektiven Tatbestände vor. In diesem Abschnitt des Buches, der für die Ausgabe von 1946 stark erweitert wurde, konzentriert sich Jaspers auf die Analyse der Physiognomie, Mimik, Schreibanalyse und die Aspekte von Werken von psychisch Kranken. Er zeigt in diesem Zusammenhang, wie diese objektiven Ausdrucksformen hilfreich für das „Verstehen“ der subjektiven psychischen Phänomene sein können, unterstreicht aber auch die Grenzen dieser Methodik. In diesem Beitrag soll gezeigt (...)
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    Online Validation of a Battery of Questionnaires for the Assessment of Family Functioning and Related Factors.Luigi Lavorgna, Marialaura Di Tella, Giuseppina Miele, Stefania Federica De Mercanti, Lidia Mislin Streito, Virginia Perutelli, Simona Bonavita, Lorys Castelli & Marinella Clerico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Studien zu Bolzano.Stefania Centrone (ed.) - 2015 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    The law in Euripides’ Medea.Stefania Giombini - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:199-228.
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    Bolzanos Zeichentheorie. Eine Untersuchung zu § 285 der Wissenschaftslehre.Stefania Centrone & Wolfgang Künne - 2011 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 83 (1):171-198.
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  42. (1 other version)Husserls Doppelvortrag in der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Göttingen 1901.Stefania Centrone - 2011 - In C. Beyer & K. Cramer (eds.), Edmund Husserl 1859-2009. Beiträge aus Anlass der 150. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages des Philosophen, Abhandlungsreihe der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen ADW 14. pp. 107-128.
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    Sortir du désenchantement.Stefania Consigliere & Jacopo Rasmi - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):90-96.
    Rêves, nymphes, démons, fantômes, conversations avec les animaux et les montagnes, enseignements transmis par les plantes : l’enchantement a disparu de nos vies. Quiconque ose l’évoquer viole les canons épistémologiques les plus élémentaires qui régissent notre monde et est immédiatement disqualifié comme ignorant ou fou. Il est toutefois suspect que le tabou de l’enchantement entre en action précisément lorsque le processus historique de la modernité commence à produire des spectres et des cauchemars à une échelle industrielle : le monde est (...)
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  44. Ableitbarkeit, Verträglichkeit und Enthymem.Stefania Centrone - 2015 - In Studien zu Bolzano. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag. pp. 1-64.
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    Improving accessibility to cultural heritage for people with intellectual disabilities.Marilina Mastrogiuseppe, Stefania Span & Elena Bortolotti - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-2 (15-2):113-123.
    La Convention sur les droits des personnes handicapées (ONU, 2006) a déclaré que la participation à la vie sociale est un droit fondamental de l’homme, soulignant l’importance de repenser le concept d’accessibilité dans les espaces culturels. Les sites du patrimoine culturel, ainsi que les musées et les galeries, expriment un intérêt majeur pour l’adoption de stratégies visant à améliorer l’accessibilité et la participation de tous. Nous avons utilisé un paradigme de recherche inclusive, impliquant activement un groupe d’individus souffrant de handicaps (...)
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  46. Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant, Deniz Serikaya, Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts, vol. 407 of Synthese Library, Springer, 2019, pp. 494+xxviii; ISBN: 978-3-030-15654-1 (Hardcover) 149.79€, ISBN: 978-3-030-15655-8 (eBook). [REVIEW]Matteo de Ceglie - 2025 - Studia Logica 113 (1):261-267.
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    Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant, Deniz Serikaya, Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts, vol. 407 of Synthese Library, Springer, 2019, pp. 494+xxviii; ISBN: 978-3-030-15654-1 (Hardcover) 149.79€, ISBN: 978-3-030-15655-8 (eBook). [REVIEW]Matteo de Ceglie - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-7.
  48.  45
    Exu: sagrado e profano.Alexandre De Oliveira Fernandes - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    Nosso estudo retoma contribuições de Georges Bataille, Pierre Verger, Edgar Morin, Ronilda Iyakemi Ribeiro, Stefania Capone, Monique Augras com vistas a discutir Exu, deus nagô e dos terreiros de umbanda, ambíguo e paradoxal, macho e fêmea, sagrado e profano. Responsável pela ordem do universo tem caráter virulento, atrevido e sem vergonha. Vindo ao mundo com um porrete mágico, metonímia de seu falo ereto, choca o decoro, a moral e a cristandade. Constrange os proscritos e as normas, embaralha as dicotomias (...)
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  49. Ontology Development Strategies and the Infectious Disease Ontology Ecosystem.Giacomo De Colle, Ali Hasanzadeh & John Beverley - 2023 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies.
    After motivating a framework for evaluating top-down, middle-out, middle-in, and bottom-up ontology development strategies, we apply our framework to investigate whether infectious disease ontologies - specifically, the Virus Infectious Disease Ontology (VIDO) and the Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO) - effectively promote semantic interoperability.
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    Stefania Cerrito, Le rommant de l'abbregement du siege de Troyes: Édition, études linguistique et littéraire. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2010. Paper. Pp. 360; 1 table. €30. [REVIEW]Lofton L. Durham - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):733-734.
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